
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Easy Way to Earn Money With Google Adsense

there is a hundred way to earn money from internet. one of them is google adsense. google adsense is an ad program from google that share revenue with websites owner that host google adsense on they websites. so, it is a good thing to earn some money with google.

the first things you'll need is a website. so build a website. if you not understand how to build a website, hire some web programmer to create website for you. or, for simple steps, you can create a blog (website blog). if you new with this things -creating website-, i recommended you to create a blog. how to create blog? it's easy, use blog service like,,,etc.

but before make a website or blog, you'll need to decide the main keyword or content of your website/blog and focus on them. it is important thing, since google hate web spam and love unique content, you'll need to tell google that your website is not a web spam or MFA (made for adsense). it is simple to decide main keyword for your website or blog. you can start with your hobby, your daily works, your opinion, etc. just make sure you focus on your main keyword.

after create your website or blog, now the time to rock on with google adsense. so, first, sign up with google adsense. this is free and easy. after signing up, you have access to all google adsense program to make money with adsense. create some ad to place into your website or blog. then, insert the code for a google adsense into your website or blog. this ad should be above the fold. in other words, they should be in your website or blog without scrolling down.

now the time to get traffic for your website or blog. why need traffic? because to earn money from google adsense, you need someone to click the ad!! you cannot build a website and leave it alone and hope a miracle will happen. so, get traffic for your website or blog. try to submit your website or blog to search engine, use search engine optimization (SEO) services, do some advertising and keep generate content for your website or blog. more visitor come, more chance to get much revenue form adsense.